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Dr. Russell W Jessup

Dr. Russell W Jessup

Texas A&M University, USA

Title: Title: Torrefied Biomass Development as Renewable, Pathogen and Weed-Seed Free Fertilizers


Biography: Dr. Russell W Jessup


Synthetic fertilizers pose environmental concerns—particularly in urban landscapes—and currently available organic fertilizers have several deficiencies (low nutrient content, low water solubility, potential pathogen, and weed seed contaminants). The development of torrefaction-based fertilizers (TBFs) from perennial, high-biomass feedstocks provides immense opportunity to offset chemical fertilizers, prevent disease and weed risk, and contribute soil carbon.  TBFs recently developed in the Perennial Grass Breeding & Genetics Program have demonstrated significant fertility (yield) response in both grain (maize) and biomass (Napiergrass) crops. These novel TBFs further have demonstrated: 6-8 dry tons per acre TBF yield, free of pathogens and weed-seed, 450-600% water-holding capacity, neutral pH (6.5–7.3), significant soil carbon contribution, and nutrient value (3-4% N, 1-2% P, 1-3% K). Opportunities for incorporation of TBFs into organic fertilizers, composts, soilless media, and amendments will be presented.